iOS 9.1 Jailbreak

OS 9.1 jailbreak has been released by Pangu team on 11th March 2016 . We tried it on our device running iOS 9.1 and it detected and enabled Pangu 9 jailbreak on it . Follow the tutorial below for iOS 9.1 jailbreak using Pangu 9 Jailbreak tool. Step by step video tutorial also included.
Image : Pangu iOS 9.1 Jailbreak Update
pangu 9.1 jailbreak

How to Jailbreak iOS 9.1 :

Method 1 : Using Pangu 9.1 Jailbreak Tool [version 1.3.0]
Method 2 : Using Safari method to download Pangu 9 app icon on your iPhone homescreen Without a PC

Method 1 : Pangu 9 Jailbreak iOS 9.1

pangu 9.1 jailbreak v1.1.0 dlp
Pangu team released their much awaited iOS 9 jailbreak tool, the Pangu 9 for iPhone users. Officially it supported iOS 9 upto iOS 9.1 . We tried and tested it on iOS 9.1 [see image above] and it ran successfully. If you would like to follow the jailbreak process , here is a complete step by step guide with video instructions to use Pangu 9 jailbreak . Please note that at the time of writing this article , the tool is 100% perfect on iOS 9.1 and may throws occasional errors but will eventually jailbreak your device. Before trying out this tool , you must prepare your device for Pangu 9.1 jailbreaking .
Method 2 : Download Pangu iOS 9.1 Jailbreak App icon
This tutorial will come in handy for those users who are waiting for the official [stable release] Pangu iOS 9.1 jailbreak installer to be released. Follow the steps below with video instructions included .
  1. Launch Safari app on your device . Make sure you are connected to the internet .safari_ios_9
  2. Search this text ios 9.1 jailbreak which brings up a results page . On the page select the site with the url [as shown below]. pangu ios 9.1 jailbreak search
  3. This page is specifically designed for Pangu 9.1 app icon download on your iOS device. [ users who cannot find the result on search page can directly open this page on their safari browser]
  4. Verify that the url you have opened says as shown in the image below download_pangu_ios_91 copy
  5. Now scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap on the Up arrow as shown here download_pangu_ios_91
  6. This will bring up a screen to “Add to HomeScreen” . Tap on this to proceed . download_pangu_ios_92
  7. Now name the app as Pangu if its not already that and tap on Add . pangu_9_app_icon0
  8. You got Pangu 9.1 app icon on your homescreen . Now tap to launch the app icon to get latest iOS 9.1 jailbreak updates on your device right away . pangu_9_app_icon1
Video : Full Tutorial of above steps
Update : iOS 9.1 signing has been stopped by Apple. This means users on iOS 9.2 or later cannot revert back to older iOS 9.1 . On the other side , iOS 9.2 jailbreak development gains momentum after leaks from 3K Assistant [ext link] where were linked to Taig Jailbreak team in the past.

Pangu Released iOS 9 Jailbreak :

Pangu Team has already released the iOS 9.1 jailbreak for supported iOS 9.1 devices. The Keen team had announced that they were working on the iOS 9.1 jailbreak and would be releasing it just after Apple releases iOS 9.1. However, given the fact that Apple will be releasing iOS 9.2 soon, it is quite possible that we might get an iOS 9.2 beta jailbreak aswell .pangu 9 - keep the device connected screen
When will Pangu Release Official iOS 9.1 Jailbreak ?
As said earlier, Apple was working on iOS 9.1 and has already released the firmware [ iOS 9.1 download ]. According to initial reports , it is known that iOS 9.1 patches earlier versions of Pangu 9 jailbreak exploits and it will not work if you try to jailbreak on iOS 9.2 and later. So we think it would be safe to guess that an Official iOS 9.1 jailbreak from Team Pangu is the way to go. Users must note that iOS 9.2 jailbreak is also in the way , and they might considering waiting for the next iOS release before releasing a jailbreak and wasting an exploit .
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