make money from home

With a lot of persistence and little bit of creativity, it's easy to make $100/day. Here's a small list of ways you can make money, both online and offline, easily.

1. Claim the money you're owed

NAUPA (National Association of Unclaimed Property) is a free government website that allows you to find any unclaimed funds via the National Association of State Treasurers. Just visit their website, enter your name and search any state or province where you have resided. Millions of dollars worth of unclaimed payroll checks, over payments and unclaimed inheritances are waiting to be claimed.

2. Create 20 posts on Fiverr

Fiverr is a great website where people will pay you $5 to do just about anything. Some examples include providing tips and advice, teach over skype, create a video for someone, promote a product and more. The posts range from obscure to just plain crazy. Be creative and earn money!'

3. Freelance your way to the top

There are a lot of freelance websites that allow you to bid on projects or service that you can complete for employers, all from the comfort of your own home. Check out websites like ElanceoDesk, and Guru. Projects can include writing, data entry, virtual assistance, and more. You can easily make up to $100 a day by provide your services.

4. Sell something great

You probably already know that you can sell unwanted items on ebay or Kijiji, but what about selling something handmade? There are some great online handmade communities where you can sell your goods to buyers around the world. If you offer a product that's original, you can even think about quitting your day job.Check out this list for the handmade communities.

5. Provide lodging

If you live in a highly sought after area of the world with a high tourist population, then offering out accommodation for the night could be a great way to earn income. You can post your place online on websites like Short Stay Apartment, where tourists can view your apartment and details, then book online. You can also rent out your space more long-term to students or young professionals, which can work out in both your favors.

6. Recycle for the better good

Have you ever seen those crazy people who go through trash bins on the side of the road? Are they really crazy or just plain smart? Recycling depots will pay great cash for your paper, plastic, cans, and anything else that can be recycled. If you have a free afternoon and a car, try it out. Bang on your neighbours doors and see what they're willing to part with. It's not only great for your wallet, but it's beneficial for the environment, too.

7. Sell unused gift cards

Do you have any unused gift cards laying around that are going to waste? Why not sell them online for profit? People will buy your cards at a discount on websites like Plastic Jungle. And maybe then you can buy something at a store that you actually like.

8. Pamper a Pooch

Pet owners will pay top dollar for you to take care of their little ones. Offer your services as a dog walker and earn up to $15 per walk. If you can walk up to 7 pooches per day, you're on your way to $100/day income.

9. Write, write, write

There are many, many ways to make money buy writing online. From websites like Hubpages to writing and selling your own eBook. Content websites like and are always looking for freelance writers. Some are looking for high quality writing while others are looking for question and answer type articles. Some employers may also be looking for researchers, forum moderators, and social media posters. You can also write contents for Hubpages! The possibilities for writing are endless.

10. Passively profiting

Some great ways to make money online is by residual income like adsense, book royalties, and affiliate programs. By doing a lot of hard work initially, you'll be able to make money with little or no effort later. Write and build websites that will bring traffic and views, also bringing in the earnings. Many online marketers claim to make more than $100/day, but this will depend on your effort and talents. Learn more about earning passive income here.

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